Deinstitutionalization of people with mental health conditions. Maadam Extended Stay Residential Facility. This project is an incredible step forward in supporting individuals with severe mental
Developing the culture of giving from an early age can have a profound impact on young people. It helps them develop empathy and a sense
The renovation of two toilet complexes at BT/PD/Koddaikallar Maha Vidyalayam has been completed. A total of 649 students will benefit from this project. The renovated
Physical play doesn’t just build muscles and coordination—it also gives them a chance to explore boundaries, take risks, and develop confidence. The social interactions that
The opening ceremony of the renovated building of the Regional Stroke Rehabilitation Centre with the presence of Mr. Murali Ramalingam, Treasurer, IMHO USA and Dr.
Fourteen thousand hard copies of model question papers on five O/L subjects—Tamil, English, Math, Science, and History—were distributed to 23 education zones from the North,
There was an urgent need for portable vein finder devices for the neonatal unit at Teaching Hospital Jaffna to help the nursing staff with IV
Ms. Narayani Siva of Virginia USA, member advisory council of IMHO USA, recently took her children to visit “Kudil,” a signatory project in Jaffna, built
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IMHO is a registered USAID PVO and proud member of InterAction.
© 2021 | Privacy Policy | IMHO is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (federal tax ID# 59-3779465).
IMHO is a registered USAID PVO and proud member of InterAction. Powered by Upview Technologies Inc.