As heavy monsoon rains overwhelmed Eastern Sri Lanka in January 2011, yet another humanitarian crisis has taken hold of the island. Almost a million people have been affected and an estimated 400,000+ persons have been displaced and are now taking shelter in hundreds of temporary camps that have sprung up. Dozens have been killed and great damage has been done to homes, buildings, roads, and much more throughout the area. The Batticaloa and Ampara Districts are the most badly affected, with no end in sight for the rainfall. The water levels in Kalmunai alone are at more than 4 feet after days of continuous rain and rising seawater levels. In the Wellaweli area in Batticaloa District, waters have reached more than 6 feet, leading to regular rescue operations for those left stranded. Based off past flood experiences, local doctors and health official have raised concerns about the potential for diarrhea and other infections to cause widespread problems.
2011 Sri Lanka Flood Relief